Where can I donate?
Find your donation center
We have donation centers in nine states. Feel free to contact your nearest center to find out which programs are currently availble there.
Where can I donate?
Find your donation center
We have donation centers in nine states. Feel free to contact your nearest center to find out which programs are currently availble there.
KEDPLASMA has over 30 centers across the country. Find out which one is closest to you and the services and plans it offers.
My first donation step by step
Because new experiences can sometimes feel overwhelming, we have prepared a step by step guide that explains the whole donation process from the moment you step into one of our centers to the moment you leave.

Who can donate?
Are you wondering if you are eligible for plasma donation? Most healthy people can donate plasma if they are over 18 and weigh at least 110 pounds.
Go to donation requirements
How we thank you for your donation
Because plasma is such a precious resource and because we know that donating takes both time and effort, our KEDREWARDS program offers compensation for donations and referrals.
Find your nearest donation center
Because your time is precious, find your nearest donation center!
Find your center